Sunday Storytime – A Grimm night in the Forest part 3
The forester was propped against a tree where he had obviously dragged himself after being attacked. Long gashes made from tremendously large claws had torn valleys into his flesh and his blood flowed like rivers down the valleys. Pain and fear clouded his eyes and...
Time Freedom
Image courtesy of Today I am going to take a break from the normal training to reaffirm my Why for doing all of this, the thing that drives me to move forward when I am feeling under the weather or depressed over the world. For me, the...
Lining Up Your Ducks
Image courtesy of Often we talk about productivity and being the most productive that we can be, squeezing everything out of the time that we have to get things done. Many people think that is all there is to productivity and that being focused...
The Wagon
Image courtesy of I have spoken several times on the importance of keeping momentum going along as we go down the path to the future that we desire. I have shared tricks to make sure that we keep taking those steps each day even when the desire to...
Creating Luck
image courtesy of: In our day to day lives, many people will rely on Luck to get what they want in their lives. Either they will revel in how lucky they are for the position they inhabit in life, or they will bemoan the rotten luck that...
you can have it all
Abundance Mindset: I have talked about perception filters before and how they can shape my life and the way that I live. One of those filters keeps being a struggle for me to change, but it is one that when I am able to have it in place enhances my life by leaps and...
Sunday Storytime – A Grimm night in the Forest part 2
The lingering light of the day fled from the sky as a rabbit from a wolf as the two of them made their way further into the woods. The unusual circumstances surrounding Lady Wessex’s company on this trip necessitated that the pair leave the main roads and strike out...
Do you Believe? No really, do you?
Is there one attribute that will get me everything I want? One idea that will allow me to achieve anything that I set out for myself? The concept that a single thing could make the difference between an unfulfilling life and a brand new delight in the world and my...
What are you Thankful for?
How we look at the world is the key to how we interact with the world. The phrase “I think, therefore I am.” is a one line treaty on this concept and it defines the process of the human mind and how it interacts with our perceptions. If you study the works of...
Taking Control
What does this really mean? This means realizing that the way that we tackle our world is the lynchpin to how we will change our lives. The mind is an amazingly powerful thing, it has the power to not only change the way that we perceive our world and the importance...