Embracing Failure
I am finding that in my journey, there is a constant I keep coming up against and that is that the more people that I talk to about my endeavor, the more people I can find that want to join me on my journey. This is a simple numbers game in that regard, just a matter...
The Little Things
So the first month of the new year is almost over and reviewing everything since the holidays has brought a couple things to mind for me. It showed me very well how the little things can become much larger things in both good ways and in bad ways. This showed up on...
Sharing emotions is good?!?!?
When I got into this business and started learning what to do and what not to do, there was a ton of information on what to say to people. Scripts to use and flows to follow to get people to get excited about what I was talking to them about. I have learned...
Life-changing advice and words of wisdom – Tech Insider
Words of Wisdom from many. What Wonderful things will it show you? Dominic and I gathered many. Source: Life-changing advice and words of wisdom - Tech Insider "Be afraid! And then do it anyway!" "I was 13 years old, trying to teach my 6-year-old sister how...
Baby Steps for Success
Lately we have been looking at our goals for the year and how we can modify our behavior and our outlook to make sure that this year we actually achieve those goals. The next step in this process is to take small steps. No matter how large our goals...
A New Year, Another Step
As the sun dawns on a New Year in our lives, many of us are taking a moment to create resolutions, things that we will change in our lives over the next year. The sad truth is that most of us will not be able to hold to those resolutions over the next year. We will...
Happy New Year
Maintaining Focus and “just keep digging”
Persisting Past the Bottom Today has not started out well for me. I got to my normal job feeling under the weather and as the morning went by it just got worse. I was sitting and hoping for the end of the day when it dawned on me that I had not achieved my goals...
The Number One Thing You Need to be Successful in Anything is TP!
When it comes to sports, dance, work, relationships or anything else in life you need two things, the T and the P. Time and Patience. That’s the big secret. I often get complimented on how gracefully I move and how lovely I dance. I am told that I make it look so...
xiaoyi – Why do I do this?
I was asked recently why I started So now you know why I am doing this. This is the first of many videos we will be sharing with you as we share our journey with you. ~xiaoyi Life's Too Short to Have Bad Days! What Are YOU Doing to Make Today...