
Mordheim: The Tactical Bubble

  As many of you know, I enjoy a lot of video games and have recently been playing one called Mordheim: City of the Damned. This is a computer rendition of an old Games Workshop game and the creators have done a great job of making a fun game that truly captures...

No Deal!!!

  How can we hold to our commitments when we are no longer in the moment? A method to help bolster our Why (the reason we decided to do it) so that when the hard times come, we will have that little bit of ammo to help against them so that we don’t let our goals fall...

Find Motivation in Being not Doing

We are almost two months from the exciting prospects that the new year held for us.  Have we moved into the ideas and goals of the things that we are going to accomplish this year? We create these big, overarching ideas of the changes and the smaller steps we need to...

Bravery in Marketing

Good day everyone, I hope that you are all having a wonderful one. I have finished my first day of a great class on marketing and prospecting. I wanted to let you all in on some of the great tidbits I learned because they not only work for us in marketing, but it is...

Gamify Your Work!

  Work has always been a trial for me; it has always been something that I did because I had to do it to survive. I never found the joy in work that other people seem to have, the best I ever got about work was to be happy that I had a job, but apathetic to the...

Defrosting the refrigerator of my mind.

  “It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.” ― Mahatma Gandhi   Ernst Hemingway is credited with saying  “Defrost the refrigerator,” was the first step in being a...

Facebook Marketing Made Easy

The real key to everything I am doing marketing wise is the use of the major social networking programs to find leads. This has been a vital component to how I prospect and how I sell my products. Without a system for using these platforms, I would be far less...

Roles We Take On

            I was at a conference recently that had me running around as support for the things that xiaoyi was doing over the weekend and it got me to thinking about the roles that we take on in our lives. The person that we are at home is different from the person...