A Grimm Day in the City Part 4
The filthy snow continued to fall all that night and for the next few days as Grim began to move through the slums of the city in hunt of his prey. As he had told the rich fool, the quarry was much harder to pin down than it would have been if it had been a...
The Emotional Closet
If you are around my age or older, and especially if you are male, you have been taught for the majority of your life that emotions are something to be kept as private as absolutely possible. Taught that displays of emotions are outright bad and should not be indulged...
Selling Made Easy
When I first started in a sales position, I had a lot of trouble with actually making sales. Some of it was due to not believing that I could sell people things, but part of it was also the method that I was using to sell. The belief in my abilities came through...
Predictive Perception Filters:
As we walk through life, we develop filters or lenses that we see the world through and these determine the quality of our world more powerfully than anything else in our lives. Everyone is born into the same world and face challenges and joys and interpret...
First Demonstrate value in Their World
As we sit down with a customer, we have many steps to follow that lead to successful sales. One of the vital steps in that is the “interview process” where we learn what the customer is really looking for, the problems they are looking to solve with our product. The...
A Grimm Day in the City – Part 3
The large, steel-reinforced doors whispered shut on well-maintained hinges as the guest was led into the house. With a suppressed shudder he realized that he had actually become cold waiting for permission to enter the estate. A more pronounce shaking dislodged the...
Take time to reflect
Pause and Consider: It is time to a take a little break from the hard work that we do everyday on our path towards reaching our goals. Every so often it is good to look into ourselves and answer a few questions to help us reaffirm why we are here and the reasons that...
Mastering Temptations
Mastering Temptation: When we make goals in our lives and move towards them, there are many things in our way. Many obstacles that are there to derail us, to push us back into the comfort zone that we exist in now. Many of them are within ourselves and are...
Earn What You Deserve!!!
Whether your earnings are adequate in your mind, or far below what you are looking for, the key to big success is simple. If you want to earn what you are worth, what you should be earning, you need to get out there and get cracking. Today is the day to jump in and...
Knowing your Colors Can Help
One of the keys to communicating with anyone is to be able to make a connection with the person. This includes customers!!! This isn’t something that most people can do without thought or training because everyone is different and interacts with people in a different...