
A Change in Values

  Several times we have looked at values and how they can affect our lives and how we interact with the world and the challenges that we face in this life. We have come to the determination that living aligned with our values is the greatest source of happiness...

The Smallest Difference and Big Change

The key to being successful in our endeavors is commonly simply changing our habits. As humans, we develop habits so that we can survive life. Having to go through the cognitive struggle of doing something the first time, every time we tried to do something would make...

Sealing the Deal

For most of us, we understand that the end of a sales conversation comes down to the closing. This is one of the major points of the conversation for both parties. Without a closing, the work and effort that we have put in and the time that our customer has put in has...

Value, Price and Cost – Not Always the Same

The Price and Cost of Value:             In the process of bringing others into our dreams, we often end up taking the position of a salesperson. We are attempting to show the people we speak to the Value of what we have to offer, but what does that really mean? What...

A Grimm Day in the City – Part 5

There, standing in the gloom cast by the dingy streetlamps was a monstrous shape, its thick frame hunched over and it right arm horribly distended and dragging on the ground. The snow falling from the sky increased in intensity and worked to hide the figure’s face,...

The Myth of Rick Quick scemes

Massive change is nothing so much as a process of time. The things that radically can change our lives in a macro sense do not happen all at once, or over the course of a few weeks, rather they are things that take a lot of time to develop. The key here is to realize...

4 Life Hacks for Easier Sales

When we look at the selling process, there is a lot of thought about our product and how we can show others the value of that product. A lot of thought about the customer and how to fulfill the needs that they have and the to solve the problems that they face....

Building Trust

  Once a conversation has occurred between us and our customers, the need is still there to reinforce the trust that we have been building during previous conversations.. No matter how good the product is, or how sincere we really are, the customer will not buy if...

Small steps for HUGE Benefits

Minimal Effort for Maximum Gain: image courtesy of:   For many of us, the world has taught us that we either deserve everything we want as a matter of fact or that we must sacrifice everything we want to achieve our goals. These are...

Standing Tall

Posture Power: What we say while we are talking to people are only part of the story that we are telling them and it isn’t not even be the most important part of the story. Since one of the key factors to our success is that we create that sense of trust with the...