by xiaoyi Drake | Nov 21, 2016 | Uncategorized
Time for a Flash Fire: When we watch the news or have it shared with us, we feel a shiver of fear or sorrow when we hear about a forest fire. We think of the majestic forest ravaged by the flames, the lose that those in its path suffer, but what we don’t see it...
by xiaoyi Drake | Nov 16, 2016 | Personal development
Follow Your Passion: The world has changed. The ease in which we can get information and to reach other people has made the world a very different place than it was ten or twenty years ago. This change has made a world where we can all actually follow our passions...
by xiaoyi Drake | Nov 15, 2016 | Uncategorized
Fear Means You Are Doing it Right: Plan and simple, striving for our dreams is a terrifying prospect. There is a strange dichotomy that most people seem to grow up with. On one had we are taught that anyone can be anything, that the American dream is real and...
by xiaoyi Drake | Nov 14, 2016 | Uncategorized
Values and Goals: In the past I have discussed living our lives in tune with our values so that we can be fulfilled when we reach my goals. I have also spoken about creating goals and how to design our lives so that we achieve our goals. These ideas are symbiotic...
by xiaoyi Drake | Nov 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
The Servant Leader: Being a leader is the main focus of many lessons we learn as we embark on our own path to our dreams. The idea that we have to step away from everything and be our own person is a powerful thing and concept that I held tightly to for a long...
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