Earn What You Deserve!!!

Whether your earnings are adequate in your mind, or far below what you are looking for, the key to big success is simple. If you want to earn what you are worth, what you should be earning, you need to get out there and get cracking. Today is the day to jump in and...

Knowing your Colors Can Help

One of the keys to communicating with anyone is to be able to make a connection with the person. This includes customers!!! This isn’t something that most people can do without thought or training because everyone is different and interacts with people in a different...

A Grimm Day in the City – part 2

Lights glittered like fallen stars from the windows of the uptown mansion that dwelled, safe and isolated from the rest of the city, behind a wrought iron gate and a duo of heavily armed guardsman. The contraptions the guards held menacingly in their hands might once...

Work or Play?

     Work has always been a trial for me; it has always been something that I did because I had to do it to survive. I never found the joy in work that other people seem to have, the closest I ever got to joy in work was to be happy that I had a job, but apathetic, at...