Why blog and share? -xiaoyi

Since it’s my birthday today, I wanted to share some of my story with all of you.  -xiaoyi Hello, I’m xiaoyi Drake, at one point in my life Diana Bristol.  I was born and raised in Colorado, mostly as white-trailer-park-trash.  It was not expected that I nor any...

Longing to Fire My Boss. How About You?

Trudging through another day at the 9-5 I find myself longing to fire my boss and step into a new life, a life that is completely about the world I want to live in, the journey I wish to take. As I still typing out another email to a client so that the company can get...

The 4 Steps to Success!

Hey all, hope the world is treating you right today. I just watch a presentation by Ray Higdon  and had a blast. The presentation was about blogging and how important it is to move forward in this journey, but that isn’t what I want to talk about today. What I want to...

State of Mind

  As I start my travels and learning in this new journey, I am finding a theme that keeps coming up over and over. The idea that the most important thing to do to be successful is to change my state of mind; the framework that I see myself in and that I see the world...

Bravery and Bears

Thank you to all who have been brave enough to serve and protect!   Often when we talk about people being brave we talk about soldiers, heroes and survivors.  We tend to forget about those things each of us do every day that is brave.  Bravery means feeling fear...